
Thanks for stopping by. I love comments if you feel like making one, or you could email me at kay.accessatgmaildotcom

November 22, 2010


Firstly I am celebrating this gorgeous ATC from Donna . It arrived late last week but I haven't had time to blog it until now.  Isn't it fabulous?  There is so much going on and she is just beautiful!  Donna says this is how she sees me, which is very flattering (and I looove my hat :))  This ATC is one of a set to celebrate Donna's first 50 followers, so if you were one, get on over there and request your very own piece of art.

Second is my celebration spread in my willowing altered book.  This is the second part of week 3 (this is my 5th week ... I'm a bit behind!).  I now have an empathy monster to make as the final part of week 3, then on to week 5.  The background is all lovely and grungy and dimensional and, as I have used some cosmic shimmer mists, very sparkly - none of which shows in the pic :o

So, Christmas is fast approaching (eeeeeek!). Is everybody all ready and organised? Nah, me neither!!


Helen said...

Gorgeous, Kay. Organised? Christmas? Done some cards, not bought a present yet (let alone tried to make any!) waaaay behind schedule.

donnalouiserodgers said...

love your celebrate page, so glad you like the ATC - I think you would look good in a hat - not the wooley ones - the Ascot ones, every one looks like crossroads benny if they put on a wool hat...


Carmen said...

Love your ATC, she's fabulous. Loving yuor celebrate page too. Still not started week 2, am catching up on everything else and have my friend from Scotland coming down for the weekend so have been madly trying to finish her pressies so she can take them home with her.

Christmas - everytime I hear the word panic bells sound in my head, I'm getting a nervous twitch! I MUST start earlier next year. I say it every year!

Got some online pressies coming, bought *some* handmade ones and trying to hand make some more. The days just seem to be on fast forward! Aargh!